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Three weeks Deadlifting Cycle For Muscle Mass

                                                                  This is a simple deadlifting program for the early intermediate to intermediate lifter. It cycles through a heavy, light and moderate week and is designed to help you pack on muscle and strength. During your first cycle, base percentages off of 90% of your current one rep deadlift max. This means that if your deadlift max is 400, then starting percentages will be based off 360 pounds. Each rep you perform while using this cycle is a single. After each single you will reset. Rest as long as needed, until you feel mentally and physically recovered and ready to try the next rep. Note : I do not want you performing sloppy reps. If your form goes to heck before the time period is up, either stop deadlifting or wait a little longer until you are sure th...



How To Gain Weight With a Fast Metabolism



In this video we’re answering the question: “How do you gain weight if you have a fast or high metabolism?” And by “high metabolism”, we’re talking about when your body burns energy very efficiently, you have a naturally thin or skinny body shape, and you find it very difficult or tough to put on weight. And the reason you need to know this is because, if you DO have a fast metabolism, you’re unlikely to succeed in your weight gain goals simply by just trying to eat more food. In fact, you may have tried this yourself, and realized how difficult and tough it is. Instead, you need a plan that’s designed specifically for the needs of a fast metabolism.
Otherwise, you’re unlikely to gain the weight that you want, and you’re unlikely to achieve the impressive weight and muscle gains that you’re really looking for. You need a plan that’s designed specifically for the needs of a fast metabolism. So, let’s take a look now at how you can gain weight if you have a fast metabolism. Okay, so let’s get on with explaining how to gain weight with a fast metabolism

You see, some interesting scientific discoveries were made in the 1990s, showing that: Not only do skinny people tend to have higher concentrations of the ‘T3 Thyroid’ hormone in their body – which is directly related to a high metabolism – But another study showed that a lot of skinny people’s metabolism actually INCREASES in response to an increase in calories in their daily diet. So in simple terms, if you just try to eat more food, your body becomes even MORE efficient at burning up these calories.
And you experience little, if any, gains in weight. So what can you do? Well interestingly, one of the keys to putting on weight if you’re skinny lies in applying new ‘habits’ that NATURALLY affect your body’s hormone levels, and make it easier to gain weight. And there are about 4 key hormones you need to be aware of. And the one we’re going to focus on in this video is TESTOSTERONE (which you’ve probably already heard of, right?) So obviously, you need a better strategy – a better plan – than simply trying to ‘eat more food’. Now, Testosterone has what’s called an ‘anabolic’ – or ‘growth’ effect – in your body. And Testosterone promotes protein synthesis, and the growth of muscle mass and strength. And it also prevents muscle breakdown. So we really want to do everything we can to BOOST and ELEVATE the levels of Testosterone in our bodies if we want to overcome a fast metabolism, and gain healthy weight

So here are 5 quick tips you can use to naturally boost your Testosterone levels: 1. Include Essential Fatty Acids in your diet. And these are healthy fats that you’ll find in foods like avocados, oily fish like mackerel, flaxseed oil, and nuts (like peanuts and almonds). 2. Lift Heavy Weights And train with high intensity, that uses as much muscle as possible. And this means generally doing Compound Exercises – what I call “Major Muscle Movements” – like squats, deadlifts and bench presses.
And if you don’t understand these exercises, then we’ll cover more information about this in other videos. But these exercises use a lot of muscles ALL AT ONCE. 3. Keep Your Rest Periods Short Keep your rest periods in your weight training workouts short. This will help boost your testosterone levels as well. 4. Limit how much alcohol you consume. It has a negative effect on Testosterone levels. 5. Make sure you’re getting enough protein in your diet. You want to be eating anywhere between 1 and 2 grams of protein each day for every kilogram of body weight you have. And that translates to about 1 gram for every pound in body weight you have. Okay, so that’s it. There you have it. Those are 5 tips to raising your Testosterone levels NATURALLY to help you gain healthy muscle weight when you have a fast metabolism


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